Life after being canceled.
"Five minutes of fame they mocked, I am allergic to bananas they criticized, I knew that guy's screws were loose, don't make stupid people famous, such a loser..." Think of any slanderous remark on someone whose fame you are excited is coming to an end, yeah, that is exactly the stick I got! Let me give you some background. I'm from a small town of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe and I was popularly known for selling bananas on twitter. My digital popularity pervaded to ground level through radio interviews, national news broadcast, front page news paper publication and blogs. I was hot pie my friend, but eventually I ate a humble pie. This fame lasted a year and a half from the time I got popular off of my first vending tweet of 2019 which got over 20K likes and over half a million views to the time I got deplatformed and shaddow-banned on social media due to culminative contentious tweets in June of 2020. In this period I made high profile friends and acquaintanc...