Something is utterly wrong with people today, you give them their flowers and they throw them at you contemptuous of their thorns. But.. the flower? Something is wrong with the social media paddled society today, where rationale solely depends on and is ascertained by mob engagement more than it is by personal reception. It is quite astounding how snakebite effective a skewed narrative can influence the mind into an unmeditated choice by whose vehicle everyone wooshes into poisoned avenues solely because one can't afford to lose time thinking and lacking behind on a race of opinions on the subject matter, so one then chooses to take a regiment of it to add their opinion under absolutely no premeditation. Isn't it true what they say lies/evil travel faster than the truth/good? People are quick to believe in and endorse ill natured things. The type of stuff that got a girl's whole father apologizing to a vendor for her mistakes of running with the timeline thrill ...